All prices and tariffs

The entire price list for sipgate

sipgate tariffs

net gross
business S
per month & user
£9.95 £11.94
business L
per month & user
£14.95 £17.94
business XL
per month & user
£19.95 £23.94

Created users will be charged pro rata for the first month at the end of the month.



p/minute net p/minute gross
UK Landlines
business S, L und XL
1.0 1.2
UK Mobiles
business S, L und XL
9.9 11.88
Internal and sipgate to sipgate free free
International Numbers from 1.3 from 1.56

Calls to Special Numbers

net gross
UK 0844 4.9 p/min 5.88 p/min
UK 0845 2.9 p/min 3.48 p/min
UK 0870 6.9 p/min 8.28 p/min
UK 0871 9.9 p/min 11.88 p/min
UK 0800 0.0 p/min 0.0 p/min
Web SMS 160 5.9 p 7.08 p
Web SMS 310 11.8 p 14,.16 p
Web SMS 460 17.7 p 21.24 p

*** plus per minute call rate depending on destination number


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z
Calls Landline in
p/min net
Landline in
p/min gross
Mobile in
p/min net
Mobile in
p/min gross
Afghanistan 33.48 40.17 33.48 40.17
Alaska 12.90 15.48 12.90 15.48
Albania 11.88 14.25 29.88 35.85
Algeria 10.68 12,81 35.88 43.05
American Samoa 9.48 11.37 9.48 11.37
Andorra 3.48 4.17 16.68 20.01
Angola 15.48 18.57 21.48 25.77
Anguilla 17.88 21.45 17.88 21.45
Antigua And Barbuda 15.48 18.57 15.48 21.45
Argentina 3.48 4.17 9.48 11.37
Armenia 14.28 17.13 23.88 28.65
Aruba 14.28 17.13 14.28 17.13
Ascension Island 59.88 70.65 59.88 70.65
Australia 2.04 2.44 17.88 21.45
Austria 2.04 2.44 17.88 21.45
Austria 050 12.42 14.90 12.42 14.90
Austria 0517 12.42 14.90 12.42 14.90
Austria 057 12.42 14.90 12.42 14.90
Austria 059 12.42 14.90 12.42 14.90
Azerbaijan 17.88 21.45 19.08 22.89
Bahamas 4.68 5.61 3.48 4.17
Bahrain 9.48 11.37 7.08 8.49
Bangladesh 5.88 7.05 5.88 7.05
Barbados 9.48 11.37 16.68 20.01
Belarus 20.28 24.33 20.28 24.33
Belgium 2.28 2.73 21.48 25.77
Belize 19.08 22.89 19.08 22.89
Benin 15.48 18.57 15.48 18.57
Bermuda 5.88 7.05 7.67 9.20
Bhutan 15.48 18.57 17.88 21.45
Bolivia 15.48 18.57 15.48 18.57
Bosnia And Herzegovina 16.68 20.01 16.68 20.01
Botswana 10.68 12.81 11.88 14.25
Brazil 4.68 5,61 15.48 18.57
Brunei Darussalam 3.48 4.17 4.68 5.61
Bulgaria 4.68 5.61 20.28 24.33
Burkina Faso 15.48 18.57 16.68 20.01
Burundi 8.28 9.93 11.88 14.25
Cambodia 7.08 8.49 23.88 28.65
Cameroon 22.68 27.21 23.88 28.65
Canada 1.80 2.16 1.80 2.16
Cape Verde 27.48 32.97 27.48 32.97
Cayman Islands 9.48 11.37 11.88 14.25
Central African Republic 11.88 14.25 11.88 14.25
Chad 21.48 25,77 26.28 31.53
Chile 2.04 2.44 17.88 21.45
China 1.80 2.16 2.04 2.44
Colombia 7.08 8.49 7.67 9.20
Comoros And Mayotte 29.88 35.85 29.88 35.85
Congo 11.88 14.25 47.88 57.45
Congo, Democratic Republic Of 29.88 35.85 29.88 35.85
Cook Islands 71.88 86.25 59.88 71.85
Costa Rica 5.88 7.05 7.67 9.20
Croatia 4.68 5.61 19.08 22.89
Cuba 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Cyprus 4.68 5.61 7.08 8.49
Czech Republic 2.51 3.01 17.88 21.45
Democratic Peoples of Republic of Korea, North Korea 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
Denmark 2.51 3.01 20.28 24.33
Djibouti 33.48 40.17 32.28 38.73
Dominica 15.48 18.57 15.48 18.57
Dominican Republic 9.48 11.37 14.28 17.13
East Timor 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Ecuador 14.28 17.13 11.88 14.25
Egypt 17.88 21.45 14.28 17.13
El Salvador 11.88 14.25 11.88 14.25
Equatorial Guinea 26.28 31.53 23.88 28.65
Eritea 29.88 35.85 33.48 40.17
Estonia 3.24 3.88 21.48 25,77
Ethiopia 35.88 43.05 33.48 40.17
Falkland Islands 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
Faroe Islands 14.28 17.13 14.28 17.13
Fiji 26.28 31.53 26.28 31.53
Finland 3.48 4.17 16.68 20.01
France 2.04 2.44 16.68 20.01
Free-sms-forwarding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
French Guiana 5.88 7.05 19.08 22.89
French Polynesia 22.68 27.21 22.68 27.21
Gabon 11.88 14.25 47.88 57.45
Gambia 47.88 57.45 40.24 48.28
Georgia 4.68 5.61 11.88 14.25
Germany 2.04 2.44 15.48 18.57
Ghana 10.68 12.81 35.88 43.05
Gibraltar 4.07 4.88 15.48 18.57
Greece 2.87 3.44 15.48 18.57
Greenland 59.88 71.85 45.48 54.57
Grenada 14.28 17.13 14.28 17.13
Guadeloupe 7.67 9.20 22.68 27.21
Guam 2.28 2.73 2.28 2.73
Guatemala 2.28 2.73 2.28 2.73
Guinea Bissau 35.88 43.05 35.88 43.05
Guinea, Republic Of 40.24 48.28 47.88 57.45
Guyana 26.28 31.53 27.48 32.97
Haiti 16.68 20.01 23.88 28.65
Honduras 23.88 28.65 21.48 25,77
Hong Kong 2.04 2.44 1.55 1.86
Hungary 4.07 4.88 21.48 25,77
Iceland 3.48 4.17 20.28 24.33
India 5.88 7.05 9.48 11.37
Indonesia 8.28 9.93 14.28 17.13
International Toll Free 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 9.48 11.37 10.68 1.68
Iraq 7.08 8.49 16.03 19.23
Ireland 2.28 2.73 16.68 20.01
Isle of Man 1.20 1.44 14.90 17.88
Israel 2.51 3.01 8.28 9.93
Italy 2.04 2.44 19.08 22.89
Ivory Coast 15.48 18.57 20.28 24.33
Jamaica 9.48 11.37 17.88 21.45
Japan 2.87 3.44 14.28 17.13
Jordan 5.88 7.05 21.48 25,77
Kazakstan 14.28 17.13 14.28 17.13
Kenya 15.48 18.57 29.88 35.85
Kiribati 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
Korea, South 2.28 2.73 5.88 7.05
Kosovo 49 58.80 49 58.80
Kuwait 9.48 11.37 10.68 12.81
Kyrgyzstan 11.88 14.25 11.88 14.25
Latvia 4.68 5.61 20.28 24.33
Lebanon 10.68 12.81 20.28 24.33
Lesotho 8.28 9.93 9.48 11.37
Liberia 22.68 27.21 17.88 21.45
Libya 11.88 14.25 11.88 14.25
Liechtenstein 3.48 4.17 29.88 35.85
Lithuania 4.68 5.61 15.48 18.57
Luxembourg 2.04 2.44 17.88 21.45
Macau 4.68 5.61 4.68 5.61
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of 20.28 24.33 28.68 34.41
Madagascar 22.68 27.21 47.88 57.45
Malawi 6.47 7.76 7.08 8.49
Malaysia 3.00 3.60 4.07 4.88
Maldives 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
Mali 23.88 28.65 22.68 27.21
Malta 4.68 5.61 19.08 22.89
Martinique 11.88 14.25 16.68 20.01
Mauritania 23.88 28.65 23.88 28.65
Mauritius 11.88 14.25 9.48 11.37
Mexico 9.48 11.37 9.48 11.37
Mexico - Mexico City 9.48 11.37 9.48 11.37
Micronesia, Federated States Of 23.88 28.65 23.88 28.65
Moldova, Republic Of 7.08 8.49 10.68 12.81
Monaco 4.68 5.61 9.48 11.37
Monaco Kosovo - - 32.28 38.73
Mongolia 9.48 11.37 11.88 14.25
Montenegro 8.28 9.93 16.68 20.01
Montserrat 15.48 18.57 23.88 28.65
Morocco 39.48 47.37 39.48 47.37
Mozambique 10.68 12.81 20.28 24.33
Myanmar Burma 33.48 40.17 33.48 40.17
Namibia 11.88 14.25 15.48 18.57
Nauru 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Nepal 21.48 25,77 21.48 25,77
Netherlands 2.04 2.44 22.68 27.21
Netherlands Antilles 15.48 18.57 17.88 21.45
Netherlands Business 2.04 2.44 2.04 2.44
New Caledonia 23.88 28.65 32.28 38.73
New Zealand 2.28 2.73 22.68 27.21
Nicaragua 17.88 21.45 20.28 24.33
Niger 14.28 17.13 15.48 18.57
Nigeria 10.68 12.81 21.48 25,77
Niue 71.88 86.25 71.88 86.25
Northern Mariana Islands 19.00 22.80 19.00 22.80
Norway 1.80 2.16 16.68 20.01
Oman 19.08 22.89 23.88 28.65
Pakistan 9.98 11.97 11.88 14.25
Palau 29.88 35.85 29.88 35.85
Palestinian, Territory Occupied 3.00 3.60 8.28 9.93
Panama 10.68 12.81 17.88 21.45
Papua New Guinea 59.88 71.85 27.48 32.97
Paraguay 11.88 14.25 19.08 22.89
Peoples Democratic Republic Of Laos 7.08 8.49 10.68 12.81
Peru 7.08 8.49 22.68 27.21
Philippines 15.48 18.57 19.08 22.89
Poland 2.87 3.44 22.68 27.21
Portugal 2.51 3.01 22.68 27.21
Puerto Rico 2.28 2.73 2.28 2.73
Qatar 29.88 35.85 23.88 28.65
Reunion 14.52 17.42 23.88 28.65
Romania 4.68 5.61 21.48 25,77
Russian Federation 4.68 5.61 5.88 7.05
Rwanda 11.88 14.25 15.48 18.57
Saint Helena 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
Saint Kitts And Nevis 15.48 18.57 15.48 18.57
Saint Lucia 15.48 18.57 20.28 24.33
Saint Pierre And Miquelon 19.08 22.89 19.08 22.89
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 19.08 22.89 20.28 24.33
Samoa 23.88 28.65 33.48 40.17
San Marino 3.24 3.88 3.24 3.88
Sao Tome And Principe 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Saudi Arabia 21.48 25,77 23.88 28.65
Senegal 17.88 21.45 29.88 35.85
Serbia And Montenegro 8.28 9.93 16.68 20.01
Seychelles 7.08 8.49 20.28 24.33
Sierra Leone 33.48 40.17 23.88 28.65
Singapore 1.55 1.86 1.80 2.16
Slovakia 4.68 5.61 20.28 24.33
Slovenia 4.68 5.61 20.28 24.33
Solomon Islands 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Somalia 59.88 71.85 59.88 71.85
South Sudan 90.66 108.79 90.66 108.79
South Africa 5.88 7.05 19.08 22.89
Spain 2.04 2.44 22.68 27.21
Sri Lanka 15.48 18.57 16.68 20.01
Sudan 23.88 28.65 23.88 28.65
Suriname 23.88 28.65 21.48 25,77
Swaziland 9.48 11.37 11.88 14.25
Sweden 1.55 1.86 11.88 14.25
Switzerland 2.28 2.73 27.48 32.97
Syrian Arab Republic 27.48 32.97 29.88 35.85
Taiwan, Province of China 2.04 2.44 8.28 9.93
Tajikistan 11.88 14.25 15.48 18.57
Tanzania, United Republic Of 23.88 28.65 23.88 28.65
Thailand 4.68 5.61 9.48 11.37
Togo 19.08 22.89 41.88 50.25
Tokelau 71.88 86.25 71.88 86.25
Tonga 45.48 54.57 33.48 40.17
Trinidad And Tobago 11.88 14.25 11.88 14.25
Tunisia 20.28 24.33 41.88 50.25
Turkey 5.88 7.05 17.88 21.45
Turkmenistan 15.48 18.57 16.68 20.01
Turks And Caicos Islands 11.88 14.25 17.88 21.45
Tuvalu 59.88 71.85 71.88 86.25
Uganda 10.68 12.81 10.68 12.81
Ukraine 9.48 11.37 17.88 21.45
United Kingdom 1.20 1.44 11.88 14.25
United Arab Emirates 23.88 28.65 22.68 27.21
United Kingdom Toll Free 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Uruguay 11.88 14.25 16.68 20.01
USA 1.80 2.16 1.80 2.16
USA Toll Free 1.80 2.16 1.80 2.16
Uzbekistan 11.88 14.25 10.68 12.81
Vanuatu 45.48 54.57 71.88 86.25
Vatican State 2.28 2.73 2.28 2.73
Venezuela 7.08 8.49 20.28 24.33
Vietnam 9.48 11.37 28.68 34.41
Virgin Islands, British 14.28 17.13 14.28 17.13
Virgin Islands, US 3.48 4.17 3.48 4.17
Wallis And Futuna Islands 83.88 100.65 83.88 100.65
Yemen 21.48 25,77 17.88 21.45
Zambia 11.88 14.25 21.47 25.76
Zimbabwe 47.88 57.45 47.88 57.45

Book Phone Numbers

sipgate offers you local phone numbers in all UK area codes, including London. You can book single numbers as well as blocks of three or 10. And your first local number is free of charge.

net gross
1 Phone Number
in your chosen UK area code, no setup fee
£1.95/month £2.34/month
3 Phone numbers
In your chosen UK area code, no setup fee
£4,95/month £5.94/month
10 Phone Numbers
consecutive block, available for all UK area codes, no setup fee
£9.95/month £11.94/month
International Phone Numbers
More than 35 countries available, £12.95 setup fee
£12.95/month £15,54/month
Port Your Phone Numbers
Bring your existing numbers to sipgate for a one time fee and no monthly charges
From £20 From £25

Additional connections

Create additional connections or use telephones without users for your employees

net gross
Phone without user
e.g. B. in the warehouse or in the tea kitchen
£4,95/month £5.94/month
Extension Number to a User
two extension numbers are included
£4,95/month £5.94/month

Personal Offer

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Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about sipgate team. We're here to assist with all aspects of our service.

020 - 339 339 09